Al Kareem Trading is focusing on green coffee trading, which means that we supplyingboth unroasted and roasted coffee beans. This could involve sourcing coffee beans...
We can help businesses navigate the complex legal and regulatory requirementsinvolved in importing and exporting goods across international borders. Thisincludes ensuring compliance with customs regulations,...
Our company can act as an intermediary between businesses, connecting buyers andsellers and facilitating the sale and distribution of goods. This includes managingmarketing and sales...

Our Capabilities

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Agricultural products

This category includes commodities such as crops, livestock, and other farm products.
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Food and beverages

This category includes all kinds of food and drink products, including packagedgoods, fresh produce, and beverages.
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Medical equipment and supplies

These can include anything from basic first-aid kits to complex medical devices andequipment.
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Office supplies and stationery

This category includes products such as serviced office space and corporate affairspens, paper, folders, and other office supplies.